6 Trendy Herbs to add to your Wedding Bouquet

6 trendy Herbs to add to your Wedding Bouquet

Beautiful flowers will always be in vogue, but if you’re searching for something different and unexpected for your wedding decorations, try going green.

Herbs are well known for their benefits like acting as natural sleep remedies, but they can be added to your wedding bouquet too. Greenery is a fashionable alternative to fresh flowers when it comes to wedding décor.

Not just in wedding ceremony backdrops and reception table centrepieces, but also for bridal bouquets, lush greenery without flowers, or with simply a few blooms in the mix may take centre stage.

It’s a lovely alternative for walking down the aisle, and there’s a lot of potential for creativity because plants and leaves come in such a wide range of colours, textures, and shapes.

Consider plants such as lavender, which represents security and plenty; kratom, which is quite adaptable; and thymes, which not only looks lovely in a bouquet but also stays fresh for a long time.

If you want to make a statement with your wedding style, go for a large foliage bouquet with beautiful, wispy trails and tendrils flowing from the sides. Alternatively, if your taste is more elegant and subtle, go for CBD leaves with one type of flower.

If you’re worried that leaves will fade into the background, don’t be: a lush, greenery arrangement will turn heads and make a big impression. Green colours contrast wonderfully with a pristine white bridal gown and other bridal wedding trends.

A few herbs to include in your bridal bouquet are listed below.


LavenderLavender is a flower and an herb, and it’s perhaps the most beautiful of the lot. Because of its purple colour, it will stand out in your arrangement if paired with matching blossoms. It symbolizes dedication, love, protection, joy, and serenity.

With lengthy stems, go for a relaxed country atmosphere. These handcrafted bouquets of sage, green vein kratom plant leaves, and wheat with a hint of lavender have a beautiful appearance. Are you aware of kratom? It’s a beneficial natural herb that has been trending in the health industry due to multiple benefits. It adds beauty to your handcrafted bouquet too. So do try them.


ThymeWeddings may be stressful, especially for brides who aren’t used to being the centre of attention. Throw some thyme into your bouquet if you need a little boost in the bravery area. It represents boldness and power, making it an excellent choice on your wedding day. It’s also tiny and inconspicuous, so it won’t compete with your lovely blossoms for attention.

This cascading bouquet is perfect for those who want a loose, organically formed bouquet. The unfussy, fresh form is a striking contrast against a creamy white bridal gown, and the deep green colours make a dramatic contrast.


Do you like your bouquet to have a more rustic look? Toss in a couple of rosemary sprigs to finish. When combined with wildflowers, this lovely woody plant has a lot of significance to it.

It represents recollection, love, loyalty, and faithfulness, making it an excellent choice for your bouquet. Going green is easy with a hoop-shaped bouquet! For a beautiful bohemian atmosphere, use olive branches, rosemary, or eucalyptus.


Sage - Wedding BouquetWhen it comes to adding herbs in bridal bouquets, sage is now all the rage. Its greyish-green colour contrasts beautifully with eucalyptus and ferns, making it an excellent choice for a leafier bouquet.

It signifies wisdom, longevity, and regard, all of which are desirable qualities. For everyone in the bridal party, go all green! We adore the natural foliage flowers coupled with the gorgeous olive gowns in this genuine wedding look.


DillDill is a preserving plant with good spirits – two things which everyone wishes to marry. It looks at home in bouquets of wildflowers, but it is possible to include it in almost every arrangement due to its size and texture. When it comes to creating an exquisite bridal bouquet, often just two things are required. CBD leaves surround clusters of white Astrantia in this lovely dill.

A bud bouquet or boutonniere is the simplest way to include flowers in your design. In a tiny arrangement like a boutonniere, the buds look fantastic. Consider putting a CBD leaf in your bridal bouquet instead. It will serve as natural foliage and won’t stand out too much amid the blooms.


Do you wish for a life filled with love, health, and safety? Basil is a symbol for this. You can’t go wrong with a sprig or two of this plant because it pretty much encompasses your vows. Its vivid colour and leafy texture set it apart from other herbs like thyme, yet it can be used in almost any bouquet design.

Even more, proof that green can be beautiful in any shade: Succulents and plants picked from the forest floor, such as sword ferns and fiddlehead ferns, are included in this bouquet.

More Herbal Wedding Traditions

More Herbal Wedding TraditionsTo guarantee a happy marriage, pin a lucky bag packed with tokens to the hem of the bride’s dress–roses for love and luck, kratom for health, rosemary for remembrance, a penny to signify money, a piece of wood for shelter, and a slice of bread for nourishment. The bag can be removed after the ceremony and kept as a memento.

The bride can give the groom a tiny sachet of caraway seeds the morning of the wedding, which is supposed to deter a fiancé from departing. They should be placed inside his breast pocket and worn over his heart.

Add dried herbs and herb seeds to the birdseed mix, which many brides like to have tossed instead of rice these days. Lavender is good for dedication, mint is good for feeling warm, sunflower seeds are good for loyalty and worship, and fennel seeds are good for power.

Go Green & Sustainable at your Wedding

Fresh herbs in a bridal bouquet or any of your big day’s flower arrangements are a wonderful way to add a touch of aromatic foliage to them. Herbs can not only brighten up your bouquet, but they also have some lovely wedding-themed connotations. Plus, if your wedding dishes need a little more flavour, you can slip some on your plate during the feast.

A greenery bouquet will be the ideal cost-effective alternative if you’re looking for a strategy to carry a gorgeous bouquet on a budget. However, if you want to save even more money on flowers, start with locally grown, in-season foliage. Furthermore, with palms, huge monstera leaves, and Kratom leaves in a lovely and natural green palette, these bouquets are nothing short of showstoppers.