Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil


CBD oil is the new buzz word everyone is talking about. Extracted from the marijuana plant, CBD is one of the many components extracted from the cannabis Sativa plant.

What is Cannabis Oil?

Also known as CBD, Cannabidiol is one of the over 100 components and chemical compounds extracted from the marijuana or cannabis Sativa plant.

It is a natural remedy that helps ease a wide range of ailments.

It is important to clarify the difference between cannabis oil and THC, the component in marijuana that gets you ‘high’. THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the main compound that gives you a psychoactive feeling that is associated with marijuana. The difference is, CBD is not psychoactive in any way.

Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

CBD is extracted from the cannabis plant. It is made by then diluting it with another carrier oil such as hemp seed oil or coconut oil. It is great for pain relief and is ideal for managing other symptoms making it ideal for many users.

It is quickly gaining popularity among people interested in health and wellness and there are increased scientific studies aimed at discovering its properties and its effects and benefits on the human body.

Benefits of CBD Oil

  1. It is great for pain relief
  2. Great in the fight against cancer-related symptoms
  3. Great for controlling depression and anxiety
  4. CBD might help in matters brain-related
  5. Could be good for the heart
  6. Good for skin health

1. It is great for pain relief

For hundreds of years, marijuana has been used to relieve pain and its only in the past decades that CBD has been identified as the component responsible for this property. Humans have a unique ECS (endocannabinoid system) responsible for regulating bodily functions such as appetite, pain and immune system response. The body produces neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors and CBD oil has been proven to help reduce chronic pain by enhancing the endocannabinoid receptor activity by reducing inflammation and more.Health Benefits of Cannabis Oil

Human studies have shown that using both CBD and THC is effective in treating arthritis and multiple sclerosis. Sativex is an oral spray available in the UK and approved in several countries that are known to treat pain and multiple sclerosis.

2.Great in the fight against cancer-related symptoms

When it comes to side effects of cancer treatment, CBD can help ease pain, nausea, and vomiting. When combined with THC extract, one study showed that it was likely to provide a significant reduction in pain in patients undergoing cancer-related treatment. Chemotherapy can induce nausea and vomiting which are among the common side effects and CBD can help reduce these side effects significantly. Some studies seek to find out more about the effect of CBD oil is hindering cancer cells. However, more studies need to be carried out to show the direct effects of CBD and THC in the fight against cancer.

3.Great for controlling depression and anxietyCannabis Oil

With the high number of mental illnesses today, it is important to find ways to help millions overcome depression and anxiety. Depression and anxiety are both debilitating and can stop one in their tracks and render them unable to fulfill their potential. The current medications that help manage depression and anxiety are pharmaceutical drugs that have a myriad of side effects such as insomnia, drowsiness, headaches and more. Some drugs are actually addictive and may lead to a substance abuse problem. So far, CBD oil has proven to be effective in treating both anxiety and depression and is the hope for a natural treatment with minimal or zero negative side effects. In fact, some studies have shown that CBD oil is able to act on the brain’s receptors that regulate social behavior and moods in both animal and human trials. Cannabis seeds have many health benefits.

4.CBD might help in matters brain-related

Many studies have shown that CBD oil is effective in treating certain neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. It has the ability to act on brain signaling systems and hence, have benefits for people with neurological disorders. Research in this area is still new and new discoveries are being made.

5.Could be good for the heart

CBD oil has been shown to be good for the circulatory system and the heart. It has also been shown to lower high blood pressure which is linked to heart attack and stroke. CBD is also linked to lowering high blood pressure. This could be because CBD has stress and anxiety-reducing properties which could lead to lower blood pressure.

Cannabis Oil Benefits6.Good for skin health

CBD oil has been known to help people with certain skin conditions such as acne. Acne is caused by a number of factors such as bacteria, genetics, overproduction of sebum which is an oily substance secreted by the skin. Recent studies have shown that CBD oil may help treat acne since it has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also able to reduce the skin’s ability to produce sebum which is a major factor for people who are acne-prone.

It also has the potential to help with

  • Treating substance abuse – recent studies have shown that CBD oil helps modify the circuits in the brain that lead to substance abuse.
  • Treatment for tumors – CBD is being tested for its effects to prevent the spread of brain, colon, lung, breast and prostate cancer.
  • Prevention of Diabetes – it has shown potential in reducing the incidence of diabetes by a significate rate though further testing needs to be carried out.

Some side effects

As much as CBD oil seems like a wonder drug, there are some common side effects that come with the use of the oil. Some effects include;

  • Diarrhea
  • Fatigue
  • Change in appetite and weight

CBD has good potential 

CBD oil has a huge impact on many aspects of our health and can help control certain illnesses. More research is being done to find out more about this powerful, naturally occurring substance. It is important to discuss with your physician or doctor before starting to use CBD oil especially if you are on other medications. This is due to the fact there might be a harmful reaction between CBD and your medications. However, keep in mind it is generally termed as safe for use by most people. It comes in the form of oils, lotions, and gummies.