How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost In the UK?

Gynocomastia Surgery

What is Gynecomastia Surgery?

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes an abnormal enlargement of breasts in men. These are what some people affectingly refer to as man-boobs. It can affect either breast or both; the result is a wonky-looking chest.

Gynecomastia is quite common as it affects at least a third of all men in their lifetime. But, most cases are asymptomatic and can be solved with medication or dietary changes. The condition may not always cause pain and discomfort. However, it’s also quite embracing and may lead to a deep in confidence and general self-esteem.

It’s also estimated that about 1% of Gynecomastia cases have led to a cancer diagnosis. So, if you suspect that you have this condition it may be wise to seek medical attention to receive a consultation about gyno surgery in the UK and the possible gyno surgery uk cost. 

Does The NHS Cover Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in the UK?

Is gynecomastia surgery painful

The NHS and most health insurance co-pays recognise gynecomastia surgery as a cosmetic procedure. Therefore, they don’t usually cover such costs. Hence, you’ll need to seek such services from a private qualified health practitioner.

There are some rare situations where the NHS covers the costs of gynecomastia surgery. Such circumstances include:

  • If medication and other forms of treatment fail to address the condition.
  • If a patient has suffered from Gynecomastia for a long time.
  • If the condition causes constant distress or chronic pain.

The rules are also not as straightforward even in such cases. Your general practitioner may still need to plead your case before an NHS board to gain an exemption. This may take a while, which leaves you in a lot of pain and embracement.

The best option is to consult a private clinic to get the gynecomastia procedure done as soon as possible.

Are There Any Benefits To Seeking Gynecomastia Surgery In A Private Clinic in the UK?

How long does gynecomastia surgery take

There are many advantages to seeking gynecomastia surgery from a private practitioner. First, you won’t have to wait for your doctor to plead your case. You’ll also be entitled to the services of one dedicated surgeon. This means he/she can take a closer look at your case and recommend the best treatment options.

Your private surgeon will also give you all their attention and care when compared to public hospitals. They’ll even do a routine follow up and any care that may be needed even after the surgery.

You’ll also be able to iron out a workable payment plan and schedule the surgery to a convenient time. Such levels of care and concern are lacking in NHS healthcare facilities.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost In The UK?

Gynecomastia Surgery in private clinics and hospitals can cost anything from £3,100 to £8,000. The gynecomastia surgery UK price depends on the procedure used in extracting fatty tissue and if there’s any reconstruction involved.

The most common procedures used are:

Liposuction or excision that has an average cost of £4,500.

Male breast reduction surgery, which can run you up to £8,000 or more.

How Do You Choose A Private Surgeon For Gynecomastia Surgery? 

Is gynecomastia surgery safe

You’ll need to ensure that the surgeon is qualified and fully registered to perform such procedures. The first place to start would be a cursory Google search. Stick to trustworthy review sites like Such a search will reveal all the clinics and healthcare centres that provide the surgery within your location.

Once you find an ideal surgeon, you can check if they’re registered on the CQC (Care Quality Commission) website. You can also check (BAPRAS) or (BAAPS) to see if they are fully registered. And, finally, you should book an appointment to seek a consultation as soon as possible.

Concerns to be addressed during such a consultation include:

  • The Surgeon’s experience and qualification
  • The number of successful gynecomastia procedures that the surgeon has performed.
  • If they’ve had any complaints from previous clients
  • The level of follow up done by the surgeon

What does Gynecomastia Surgery involve?

The procedure is generally so straightforward that it can be done under general anaesthesia. However, some extreme cases warrant the use of local anaesthesia for sedation and pain management.

It takes about 1 and a half hours and involves:

  • Minor incisions to the nipples
  • The removal of fat with a surgical knife. Liposuction can also be used or a combination of both techniques.
  • The nipples may also be reposition depending on the extent of your procedure.
  • Your wound will also need dressing and you’ll have to stay in the hospital overnight.

Recovery and Outlook

It will take you several weeks to recover from such a transformative procedure. So, you might need a few days off work and you might have to limit your social engagements as well. You’ll also wear a chest support garment for at least 2 weeks.

It’s also advisable to avoid strenuous tasks and stretching during such a time. This will give the procedure some time to set in fully and for the stitches to dissolve fully. There may be some minor scaring, which will fade away eventually.

Are There Any Potential Risks To Gynecomastia Surgery?

gynecomastia surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is not that invasive but some complications may still arise. So, it’s always wise to consult widely with your surgeon to go over all the risks and potential ways to address them should they arise.

Some of the risks of gynecomastia surgery include:

  • Wonky-shaped nipples
  • Staph infections
  • Numbness or loss of sensation on the nipples
  • Hematoma (bleeding inside the fatty tissue 24 hours after the procedure)
  • Rejection of or an allergic response to anaesthesia and other medication
  • Permanent scarring in cases where patients have problems with healing their wounds
  • Deep vein blood clots

As you can see it all comes to the hygienic standards of the clinic and the level of follow up they perform. Most of these complications can are avoidable. It all comes down to how well you take care of yourself after the surgery.

Make sure your Gyno Surgery Price matches your Wallet Size

Gynecomastia is a common problem that affects a large number of men in the UK. Breast reduction surgery may be a straightforward procedure but it’s not widely available within the public healthcare system.

If you think you may be suffering from this condition, it’s wise to seek the opinion of a private practitioner at your soonest convenience. Please bookmark our site for more beauty and health benefit tips. We promise to keep you constantly updated.