How Much Is The Liposuction Cost UK And Is It Worth It?


Have you been thinking about toning your body through a procedure called liposuction?

Then your most burning question may be: How expensive is the liposuction cost in the UK and will I get my money’s worth? We’re here to answer your questions.

Is Getting Liposuction Worth The Cost?

Liposuction is an excellent way to sculpt and tone your body. The procedure works by removing and breaking down excess fat cells in specific areas. The cost of liposuction in the UK is the greatest determining factor when people decide whether or not to have the procedure done.

These days it’s easy to find practitioners that offer huge discounts on liposuction. But, as the saying goes, “if a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is!”  There are more factors to consider so the liposuction prices shouldn’t be the sole factor determining your decision.

After all, it’s always wise to look at the qualitative aspects of any medical procedure over the cost factor. So, let’s first determine the different options you have.

Types of Liposuction

How Much Does Liposuction Cost In The UK

This procedure falls into the following categories:

 Traditional Liposuction

This procedure is an invasive liposuction procedure that uses incisions to target fat cells in various areas of the body. These fat cells are broken down and “sucked” out of your skin’s fatty layer using specially designed pumps.

Vaser Liposuction

Vaser is an abbreviation for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. This innovative technique is less invasive as it uses ultrasound waves to amplify the natural fat-burning process. It is performed surgically under general anaesthesia targeting stubborn areas such as the chin, thighs and hips. It involves a few minor incisions.

Non-surgical Vaser Liposuction

This procedure targets the fat-storing areas of the body such as the belly, back and arms. It’s performed under local anaesthesia so one procedure can target multiple areas.

Why Is It Challenging To Find The Liposuction UK Cost On Websites?

The cost of liposuction varies across different clinics. You might also have to pay more or less depending on the size and area of the procedure and the number of sessions needed.

Therefore, you need to go through an initial consultation to determine how the clinic will approach your case.

How Much Does Liposuction Cost in the UK?

How much does all over liposuction cost

The type of procedure and clinic you chose will determine the price of liposuction. But, as with any medical procedure, it also comes with a few additional costs. Some clinics offer free consultations with no obligation while others don’t.

Here are a few things included in the average price of liposuction in the UK;

  • Consultation fee
  • Doctor’s fee
  • The cost of anaesthesia
  • Post-surgery meals
  • Room and boarding (where applicable)
  • Post-surgery medication and pain-killers

Is There A General Price Range For Liposuction In The UK?

Is getting liposuction worth it

The cost of liposuction in the UK ranges from £2,770 to over £6,000. You should also expect to part with £2,600 on the lower end and more than £6,000 for surgical and non-surgical Vaser liposuction.

The amount of work you need to get done, the experience of the doctor and the procedure can also reduce or inflate the liposuction procedure cost. You’ll also pay more if you need an overnight stay at the clinic. So, you’ll need to do a little more research so you can settle on the best option.

 Where Can You Get Liposuction Done In The UK?

How painful is a liposuction

Various medical centres offer liposuction and other cosmetic procedures around the UK. The best place to start your search is the Care Quality Commission (CQC). This website lists all the hospitals and clinics registered under the governing body.

You can also find a surgeon by searching through the BAAPS website. This is an organisation solely dedicated to enhancing the knowledge and the safety of the public on cosmetic surgery. All the practitioners listed on this site have vast experience, are well trained by the NHS and run quality private practises.

Other trustworthy centres include;

The list of clinics and hospitals that offer liposuction in the UK is endless. But, these few options will give you an idea of the general cost.

Does the NHS Cover Liposuction Cost in the UK?

What are the disadvantages of liposuction

Generally, The NHS doesn’t cover elective cosmetic procedures such as liposuction. However, a doctor can elect to perform the procedure to treat an underlying medical condition. It can also be covered under your free NHS plan to help in reconstructive surgeries.

To qualify you will need to have one of the following conditions:

Lipoma accumulated masses of fatty cells under the skin that are non-cancerous, but still annoying and unsightly.

Lymphoedemacauses accumulation of fluid and often results in chronic swellings in different parts of the body.

Lipodystrophy syndromeThis condition cause non-proportional accumulation of fat in certain parts of the body and the complete loss of fat in other parts. This syndrome is one of the side effects of antiretroviral therapy and other drugs used in treating HIV.

Can you get a Flexible Payment Plan for a Liposuction?

How long will liposuction last

£2,000 on the low end is quite a prohibitive cost for many people. You might have to fork out, even more, when you add other associated costs. So it makes sense to spread out such payments into manageable chunks since most medical co-pays consider cosmetic medical procedures to be some sort of luxury.

The good news is some centres offer such credit facilities for their clients. is a good example of such an organisation. You can even get the procedure done even with 0% financing available.

Here’s how their flexible payment system works;

  • Let’s say the total cost of your liposuction is £4,000
  • You could start by paying a £500
  • This would mean you have a credit of £3,500
  • The rest of the cost is the split into 12 monthly payments of £250

You’ll only pay a flat rate of £4,000 for the entire procedure since they offer a 0% APR for those 12 months. You could also apply for a loan or crack open those rainy day funds. However, it’s best to consult your liposuction provide at the earliest convenience to settle on the best payment plan for you.

Do The Math And Work Out Your Most Affordable Liposuction Cost in the UK

Many people assume that liposuction is done purely as a weight loss measure. However, it’s done to help you sculpt and tone away those extra layers of fat. After all, sometimes working out doesn’t address areas such as under the chin or those “love-handles” that form on the belly.

The cost of liposuction in the UK is also steep especially when you can’t get the NHS or your insurer to underwrite the payments. Therefore, you should read up what every provider offers to pick the most affordable option. Also, keep the qualitative vs. quantitative aspect in mind to avoid any disappointments or post-surgery consequences.