5 Popular Online Casino Bonuses Making Waves in the Digital Gaming Industry


The online gaming and casino industry is one that has really started to boom over the past decade. When games shifted online many were concerned that brick-and-mortar establishments would die out and with that, the games that were played.

Thanks to the advancements in technology, casino games not only evolved into online entities but actually started to thrive as online entities. This thriving is the result of game dynamics, themes, features, safety and tools.

However, there is one development that has carried this industry through and that has been online casino bonuses.

Digital casinos needed to do something to set themselves apart from other gaming platforms, in particular from other casinos and this was done through the famous online casino bonuses, for which the digital gambling industry is now renowned.

This article aims to shed light on some of the most popular and best casino bonuses out there.

1. Welcome Bonuses


You can’t speak about online casino bonuses without mentioning the original one, namely welcome bonuses. Just as the name implies, this is a bonus that you receive when you sign up at a new online casino as a little welcome token. The reward that you typically receive is free spins and free tokens that you can then use to play with.

The best thing about this casino bonus is that it works in favour of new players because as a newbie, you likely won’t know the ins and outs of certain platforms and games, which is of course only natural but as a new player, you don’t want to spend all your investment on rookie’s mistakes. This is where welcome bonuses come in as you can use the free tokens and spins that you received to make your rookie mistakes which is a lot better than coming out of your own pocket.

2. Deposit Match Bonuses

Another interesting casino bonus that you might have heard of is the deposit match. This one certainly counts as one of the best casino bonuses as it comes with a lot of investment additions. How this bonus works is just as the name implies. As a player, you need to make a deposit. Once you’ve made the deposit, the online casino will match it with a certain percentage.

For example, say you were to put down 100 pounds and the deposit match deposit was 100%. This would mean that you’d receive an additional 100 pounds for your efforts, so you’d have 200 pounds to play with. The higher the percentage, the higher the additional amount that you receive. You must sign up with online casinos that offer higher percentages as low ones can sometimes just feel like a bit of a waste of time.

3. No Deposit Bonuses


A further interesting casino bonus option that might tickle your fancy is the no deposit bonus. Now, don’t get this one confused with the one mentioned above, just because it also has the name deposit in it. How this bonus works is quite different from the one mentioned above, as it does not require a deposit. This information might confuse you now and you may be thinking “How on earth does this work and why would online casinos want to offer a bonus for no deposit?” These are all fair questions and the answer is simple.

Online casinos want to show their players that they’re invested in supporting them and what better way to show that than to offer free bonuses to players to don’t have the means to play currently? As you know, if you offer someone something free when they have little, chances are that they are going to show loyalty to you when they have more. The no deposit bonus means exactly what it says, you receive a bonus even though you haven’t put down a deposit, which is quite interesting, wouldn’t you agree? Here again, you often receive free spins or free tokens and sometimes you may even receive a pound amount to play with instead.

4. Loyalty Bonuses

Just as the bonus above started to imply – loyalty is a big part of online casinos. And this could not be truer than with the loyalty bonus itself. At the end of the day online casinos are also just businesses, businesses that are interested in customer retention so that they have a continuous amount of engagement.

To encourage this customer engagement, online casinos have become very smart and have started to offer loyalty bonuses. How a loyalty bonus works is that the digital casino will post a time and a date that players need to start playing a game, if you are able to show up at that time and play, then you receive the bonus – it’s as simple as that.

5. Player Responsibility

As interesting as all these casino bonuses sound and as technologically advanced as they might be, it is crucial to remember that player responsibility plays the most important part, and this is something that players need to be in control of.

They need to make sure to never spend more time or investment playing on a platform or game than what they have readily available. Online gaming should remain just a hobby and if signs of addictive behaviours arise, steps need to be taken to intervene by seeking professional help.