Lab-grown diamonds – curse or blessing?

lab grown vs Natural diamonds

Are you fond of diamonds?

While the diamond industry keeps prospering across the globe, it is high time that we understand the difference between the concepts of natural diamonds and artificial diamonds.

A natural diamond is known to take millions of years for crystallizing the carbon atoms that are present deep inside the earth. However, in the modern, Insta-age of high-end, revolutionary scientific advancements, a diamond can be artificially grown by using state-of-the-art technology applications in a well-secured lab environment in just a matter of a few weeks.

While these fast-growing diamonds or “natural diamond” counterparts are creating a wave in the field of conscious luxury, the advent of lab-grown diamonds has been radically shaking the deeply inherited industry of traditional diamonds or natural diamonds.

Difference Between Natural Diamonds and Lab-Grown Diamonds

While you might be sceptical about having to choose between natural diamonds and lab-created diamonds, it is imperative for you to analyze the important differences between the two at the same time. Whether you wish to purchase high-end diamond engagement rings or diamond earrings, diamond wedding rings, or any other piece of diamond jewellery, it can become increasingly difficult to determine the origin of the diamonds that you are buying as a layperson.


natural diamond mine

Natural diamonds or traditional diamonds are naturally occurring substances that are made of carbon and are crystalline in nature. Naturally, traditional diamonds are formed several layers deep inside the earth – under the effect of immense pressure and temperature. What you observe in some of the most remarkable traditional diamond jewellery like diamond rings are diamonds that might be billions of years old.

In contrast to the traditional diamonds, the lab-grown diamonds are created in a well-secured lab environment. Here, the pressure, as well as temperature conditions, are similar to those involved in the development of natural diamonds. Lab-grown diamonds also go by several names like synthetic diamonds, artificial diamonds or lab-created diamonds, reflecting their origin.


As synthetic diamonds are grown under lab conditions exposed to the same pressure and temperature parameters as that of natural diamonds, they are known to possess the same molecular structure as the natural diamonds. Due to the overall similarity in the molecular propositions of the two diamond types, it is most difficult to tell the difference between the two – especially as far as the overall quality of diamonds is concerned. Experts cannot tell a synthetic diamond from a natural diamond without using sophisticated, in-depth testing equipment.


As far as the cost differences between the two variations of diamonds are concerned, it is difficult to make a direct comparison between the two as synthetic counterparts tend to be equally flawless with improved clarity. Typically, synthetic diamonds are known to cost just a fraction of the overall price of the mined diamonds. Moreover, lab-grown diamonds are getting cheaper and more accessible to the general public.


The gem-quality diamonds that are grown in the labs are known to pose less threat to the environment. This is because unlike the procurement of natural diamonds from the earth’s core, synthetic diamonds are known to make use of less freshwater, do not disrupt the land, and release fewer greenhouse gases. However, at the same time, synthetic diamonds are not contributing significantly to the economy as well as the society like the diamond mining companies. As such, the issue of transparency in the production of lab-grown diamonds is required to be addressed. As far as the overall evaluation of the social and environmental impact of diamond mining & production is concerned, there serves to be a trade-off between the social and economic benefits along with the overall environmental costs.

Future of Traditional Diamonds

The debate over how lab-created diamonds can as well as should market themselves is still gearing up. While mined diamonds are not going to get exhausted anywhere soon, it is high time that we should pay attention to the rising environmental and ethical concerns at the same time.

With technology making it simpler, less expensive as well as eco-friendlier to grow diamonds in the lab, there is a trend favouring such. However, traditionalists still prefer natural diamonds for their unique and precious properties that can’t easily be replicated in a laboratory.

Hatton Garden Jewellers Ovadia are the perfect example of the best compromise – they promise their customer’s ethically sourced diamonds of the highest quality while ensuring that the diamonds are retrieved in an environmentally friendly manner, supporting the mining communities directly. Natural diamonds are unique and special, and customers shouldn’t feel guilty in any way when purchasing them as they are forever.