Best Hair Cutting Tools For A DIY Haircut And Tips To Use Them


Are keen on trying a barber-like, professional haircut at home but clueless about how to start?

We can help you choose the right tools. Cutting your own hair can be really tricky. While you cannot immediately give yourself a trendy look but with a little practice, you can give your hair some trimming for a neat look.

Note: please first inform yourself or educate yourself on how to use the following tools to cut hair. YouTube tutorials like the following may be helpful and so maybe the remote guidance of a professional hairstylist.

Here are the best hair cutting tools that you can use for that near-perfect haircut at home.

Best Hair Cutting Tools For Men (Primarily)

1. Wahl Colour Pro Cordless Combi Kit

If you want to cut your hair at home, then you can go for this color-coded combi kit. Color-coded keys on the clipper to match the comb size. It gives a precision from 3mm to 25mm to cut longer or shorter lengths.

Use a professional comb and scissors to cut the top hair, if you want a sharper look. Do this in sections to avoid ruining your haircut.

2. Philips Series 5000 Clipper

It comes with many accessories to help you get a neater finish. The sturdy build and ergonomic thumb grip will help you maneuver the clipper easily in front of the mirror.

The clipper gives you a precision from 0.5mm to 3mm. Both men and women can use the clipper to shave their hair or give themselves a low-maintenance buzz cut.

3. BaByliss Japanese Steel Digital Hair Clipper

If you do not want to look like a freshly shorn sheep, then go for this sturdy and easy-to-use at-home clipper. This study clipper offers precision.

The taper control twists through five-length settings and has eight comb guides. It can give you 45 different length options.

Wondering how to cut women’s hair with a clipper? We say, do not attempt unless you are looking for a shaven look. Here are some accessories you can use to give yourself a pretty haircut.

Best Hair Cutting Tools For Women (Primarily)

1. Joewell Professional Hair Shear

Check out these super-thin, sharp scissors. Invest in a professional hairdresser scissor to cut your own hair. Whether you have straight, curly, or wavy hair, it is better not to artificially style them before cutting. You can slightly dampen your hair before attempting the haircut.

Remember to sit in front of a mirror and use a fine-teeth comb to get rid of any knots. The key is to cut shorter chunks in the beginning. Haircutting, especially for an amateur, requires patience.

2. Ikea Trojka Scissors

If you are not willing to invest in a professional scissor set for hairdressing, then go for the sharpest scissors you can find. This set has three different sizes with sharp blades that you can use for most of the cutting work around the house.

Remember, you can cut fringes with dull scissors too but that might ruin the hair. The USP of this set is that the scissors can be used by both left-hand and right-hand users.

3. Frocolor Hairdresser Scissors Set

If you are ready to step up then this professional set will make a good buy. The tools included in the kit are hair clips, detachable finger rests, a hair-cutting scissor, a thinning comb, a thinning scissor, a leather case, and a cleaning cloth. Professional-quality tools will give you the confidence to try out new hairstyles. You can also use these tools to give your family a haircut at home.

FAQs – Cutting Your Own Hair At Home

Can I use a beard trimmer to cut my own hair?

Beard trimmers are not the perfect tools to use to trim or cut your hair. You can end up having uneven hair by using a beard trimmer for your hair.

Why do I need professional scissors for cutting my hair?

Your regular kitchen or nail scissors are not that sharp. Plus, they are not designed to cut hair. If you will use your everyday scissors for cutting hair, you might end up ruining them.

What is better, a professional cutting kit or a clipper?

A clipper any day is a better option if you are not a trained hairdresser. It is better to go with the clippers and slowly trim or shave your hair so that you do not end up having an absurd hairstyle. However, you will need a set of professional scissors and a comb for a neater finish.

Are there any tips to get the best results?

There are two tips that would help you. First, go slow. A DIY haircut might seem easy, but it is not. Remember less is more when giving yourself a haircut. Second, try to use your dormant hand to cut the opposite sides of your head.

How to cut curly hair fringes?

Do not pull down your curly fringes when cutting them. If you do so then you might end up cutting more length and having shorter fringes.

How to ensure my tools last longer?

It is important to maintain your tools. Remember to take breaks when using a clipper. This helps in keeping the motor cool. Wash and dry your tools before storing them away.