21st Anniversary for FlexSA Member BE Offices


Flexible Space Association proves “valuable and relevant” over two decades

LONDON, 20 July 2022: BE Offices is celebrating its 21st anniversary as members of the Flexible Space Association (FlexSA). FlexSA supports, promotes, and represents the flexible workspace industry, and has member companies across the UK.

Andy Issott, Marketing Director at BE Offices states:

“We were one of the first major operators to join the Flexible Space Association and have been big advocates ever since. It’s been a valuable source of information and has successfully remained relevant in a rapidly changing era of workspace. It’s a great platform for collaborating with other players in our sector, with the added bonus of kicking off Christmas with their annual Awards Dinner, in which we have been delighted to pick up eight awards, most recently Operator of the Year for our Barbican centre, and Community Engagement Activity of the Year.”

The Flexible Space Association speaks on behalf of the industry, working to ensure it has the conditions needed to thrive. It provides information and support to its members and provides opportunities for them to come together.

During an unprecedented last two years, FlexSA offered members to support and guidance as home-working ended and hybrid working became much more popular. According to ONS figures the proportion of hybrid working people rose from 13% in February 2022 to 24% in May 2022 [source: https://www.ons.gov.uk/employmentandlabourmarket/peopleinwork/employmentandemployeetypes/articles/ishybridworkingheretostay/2022-05-23].

Having joined in 2001 when FlexSA was known as the Business Centre Association, BE Offices has scooped a number of Flexible Space Association Awards over the years, including 2019 – Community Engagement Activity of the Year, supporting Rays of Sunshine; 2019 – Flexible Workspace of the Year – Barbican; 2015 – Flexible Workspace of the Year – Minories; and 2011 – Flexible Workspace of the Year – Wembley.

Nick Gandy, Director of Business Centres at BE Offices, has been a member of the Flexible Space Association Board since 2018, and Founder & Co-CEO, Simon Rusk, was a Board member from 2010 to 2015.

Jane Sartin, Executive Director at the Flexible Space Association, comments:

“BE Offices has been a very supportive member of FlexSA over the past 21 years, always getting involved in our activities, and working with other workspace operators for the benefit of the wider industry. We are hugely grateful for the company’s involvement and are honoured to be celebrating this milestone with them.”