Side Effects of CBD Oil After Changing or Stopping Use

Side Effects Of CBD Oil After Changing Or Stopping Use

Whether it’s because consumers aren’t seeing desired results and benefits or have been advised by doctors to switch medication plans, it is not impossible for hemp users to stop using CBD products.

However, as with any health product regularly taken, there may be some side effects that arise after making this decision.

What Does CBD Do To The Brain?

What Does CBD Do To The BrainOnce cannabidiol, or CBD, enters the bloodstream, it may interact with different receptors and neurons in the brain.

One such neurotransmitter is dopamine. Studies have shown that an interaction between CBD and this hormone may help the body produce more cannabinoids. Another potential benefit is a regulation of behavior and an improvement in cognitive functions.

Similarly, there have been some studies conducted on the relationship between serotonin and this hemp extract. CBD oil for anxiety may be able to modulate serotonin levels in the brain.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is directly connected to how the brain processes happiness. Low levels of this chemical may lead to anxiety disorders or depression.

Researchers on opioid addiction have also investigated cannabidiol as an organic supplement to help users suffering from withdrawal symptoms. Aside from possibly helping recovering addicts achieve a state of calmness, quality CBD may also help reduce drug cravings.

How Does CBD Oil Make You Feel?

How Does CBD Oil Make You FeelNovice and frequent users alike still confuse cannabidiol with its cousin compound, THC. Although both these cannabinoids are extracted from hemp plants, the effects of CBD differ from that of THC’s.

Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound. On the other hand, THC is responsible for marijuana’s infamous “high.” No amount of CBD can cause the same “high” that THC does. Many people have switched to cannabidiol because they are able to enjoy the health benefits of CBD without the risks of medical marijuana by using a CBD oil tincture for example.

Aside from its lack of mind-altering effects, studies have shown that CBD may be able to influence energy levels. Scientists state that the dosage is key for this hemp effect. Low doses of CBD may have a stimulating effect, but higher doses may make users feel more lethargic.

The most quoted potential side effect of this hemp extract is its reduction of chronic pain. Researchers have found that when CBD enters the endocannabinoid system (ECS), it is able to interact with receptors that may result in anti-inflammatory effects.

What Happens When You Stop Taking CBD?

What Happens When You Stop Taking CBDJust as the effects of incorporating CBD 101 into one’s lifestyle varies depending on the individual, the effects of removing CBD from one’s daily routines is likewise subjective.

One of the most important variables to consider is how long users have been using CBD. If users have only been taking the compound for a short while, the body may not react significantly to its absence.

However, some users who have been taking the best CBD products for some time have reported feeling a noticeable change. This may also be because these people take cannabidiol for certain medical conditions that necessitate it. Typically, these users have been advised by doctors to take CBD alongside prescription medication.

This means that users who take CBD to manage chronic pain begin to acutely feel pain more frequently and for longer durations. Hemp users who take cannabidiol for its potential anti-anxiety abilities may also begin to feel different.

Nevertheless, users who feel that cannabidiol is not or is no longer working for them should not hesitate to seek alternative measures. These consumers should speak to a doctor to discuss other forms of supplemental medication.

How Long Does CBD Stay in the System?

How Long Does CBD Stay in the SystemThere is no universal number for how long this hemp compound remains in the body. Roughly speaking, the average amount of time cannabidiol stays in the system is two to five days. But there are many variables that hinder this number from being applicable to all users.

Dosage greatly affects how the body metabolizes cannabidiol. Larger doses of CBD for pain means that this hemp compound stays in the system for longer. How often one takes cannabidiol also has an effect as, over time, the amount of CBD builds up within the system.

The individual body type of users also plays a great role. BMI, metabolism, diet, and lifestyle are just a few subjective features that dictate how the product is consumed.

Another variable to consider is the CBD product itself. The hemp community is unfortunately populated by some disreputable companies that do not produce top-shelf products. Consumers should check that they are purchasing meticulously manufactured products to ensure the best results in this growing CBD market.